appointment of assistants造句
- He arrived in Burma on 16 December 1902 and took up the appointment of Assistant Commissioner and Settlement Officer.
- Secretary-General Kofi Annan has announced the appointment of Assistant Secretary-General Ibrahima Fall as his special representative for West Africa.
- Safir told reporters at a briefing about his appointment of Assistant Chief Tosano J . Simonetti to replace Timoney.
- In 1960, he was posted to Germany upon taking up the appointment of Assistant Chaplain General to the British Army of the Rhine ( BAOR ).
- He said the recent appointment of Assistant Trade Representative Lee Sands to head WTO negotiations with China was a Clinton administration attempt to break the impasse.
- Lord Charles Russell therefore secured for him the appointment of assistant, later principal, MP, in a work entitled " The Inner Life of the House of Commons ".
- Previously he held the appointment of Assistant Director of Strategic Planning at the Ministry of Defence where he developed and introduced a global analysis of threats and opportunities.
- In November 1721, after being promoted to an M . A . degree, he moved to London, where he obtained the appointment of assistant preacher and wrote several books.
- The agreement required the Sultan of Perak surrender Dindings to the British, to accept a British Resident, Sir JWW Birch, and the appointment of Assistant Resident in Taiping, Captain Tristram Speedy.
- On the completion of his National Service in 1958 he took up the appointment of Assistant Organist at Gloucester, a post which also included being Director of Music at The King's School, Gloucester.
- It's difficult to see appointment of assistants in a sentence. 用appointment of assistants造句挺难的
- Assistant Commissioner Hughes performed the duties of the Chief Police Officer for most of the period between the death of Assistant Commissioner Fagan APM and the appointment of Assistant Commissioner Phelan APM in 2007.
- He made himself the enemy of what many saw as corrupt labor leaders, particularly by his appointment of Assistant Attorney General Ralph E . Moody to prosecute many union people accused of arson and assault.
- The act also created the office of Deputy Attorney General, appointed by the Attorney General with full authority to act on their behalf, and provided statutory, discretionary authority for the appointment of Assistant Attorneys General.
- By the time of her appointment of assistant commissioner of prisons in 1935, Barker would work to reform women's prisons throughout England, Wales and Scotland based on her work at Aylesbury until her death in 1955.
- As a Flag Officer, he has held the appointments of Assistant Chief of Personnel ( Human Resource Development ), Flag Officer Commanding Eastern Fleet and Assistant Chief of Naval Staff ( Foreign Cooperation and Intelligence ).
- In 1863 Mr . Miller resigned his seat, and accepted the appointment of assistant-clerk to the House, an office which he held until within a short time of his death, which took place at Hobart on 10 April 1867.
- The church appeared to have weathered the storm caused by Reid's extra-marital affairs, but trouble flared up again in 2009 when head pastor Peter Linnecar's appointment of assistant pastors caused controversy and disagreement amongst a large section of the congregation.
- From July 1898 to August 1902 he held the home appointment of Assistant Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and was then sent to Lisbon as British envoy, a post which he held till his death there on 26 February 1905 from the delayed effects of a motor-car accident.
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